Lifelong Advocacy
This service is no longer available
Before 2023 PASAT offered advocacy for a lifetime.
This stopped in 2024.
Now PASAT provides ongoing advocacy instead.
When a person had advocacy for a lifetime they were called a member of the Trust.
There are two kinds of members:
Pre Support members
Full Support members
Pre Support
If the parents of the member are alive the member is Pre Support.
The Advocate only visits once a year during Pre Support.
Pre Support costs $140 a year for:
People that became members after 2016
People that have not paid their membership fee yet (see below)
Pre Support is free for:
People that became members before 2016
People that have paid their membership fee (see below)
Full Support
If the parents of the member are dead the member is Full Support.
The Advocate will visit four times a year.
The Advocate can visit more if needed.
The Advocate will:
work with other supporters
review finances
support health
support wellbeing
help with challenges
encourage the member to self advocate
The Full Support membership fee depends on the age of the member.
Families could pay the membership fee:
all at once
broken up into smaller payments
from a Will
from a Discretionary Trust
The membership fee can be refunded if the member dies during Pre Support.